Coron Island Tour A
PHP 750.00
Coron Island Tour B
PHP 850.00
Escapade Tour C
PHP 1,275.00
Reefs & Wrecks Tour D
Calauit Safari Tour E
PHP 2,450.00
Coron Ultimate Tour
PHP 1,600.00
Town Tour (Tricycle)
PHP 500.00
Puero Princesa Underground River
PHP 1,800.00
One of The World 7 Wonders of Nature
Honda Bay Island Hoppinmg
PHP 1,300.00
One of our Bst Seller Package
City Tour
PHP 600.00
One of the Best Seller Tour Package.
Firefly Watching
PHP 1,100.00
Optional Tour at Night
Dolphin Watching
Seasonal Tour
Mangrove Paddle Boat
PHP 300.00
May avail with Underground River Tour
Ugong Rock Tour
PHP 650.00
May Avail with Underground River
San Carlos River Cruise
PHP 1,500.00
Optional Tour
Sabang X Zipline
May Avail with Underground River Tour
Underground River W/ Jungle Trail
Another Exciting way to see the Famous Underground River
Island Hopping Tour D
PHP 1,200.00
Island Hopping Tour A
Island Hopping Tour B
Island Hopping Tour C
PHP 1,400.00